An interview with Stand Up! Project Coordinator Karl:​
Karl, what would you say is your favourite film that deals with the topic of discrimination?
Karl: "Personally I really like the messaging in the film, Get Out, although it is a bit scary and is rated 15"
That’s definitely one for Psychological Thriller fans, what would you recommend for those who prefer reading?
Karl: "I recently read June Sarpong’s The Power of Privilege; How White People Can Challenge Racism. It is especially good for those wanting to be more active in their allyship. I also think David Baddiel’s Jews Don’t Count explains some of the intricacies of antisemitism successfully."
Lastly, what would be your top recommendation for those wanting to understand discrimination better?’
Karl: "Although the genre might not be for everyone, rapper Dave’s song entitled Black (particularly his performance of this song at the 2020 Brit awards) bravely details the experiences and difficulties Black people face today"